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Mega Image Consulting




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From civil engineering to image consulting was a destiny call for me. A huge leap of faith!! Belonging to a simple and an academic oriented family, I was most of the time low on the scale of visual communication. The realization of the fact, that people make long-lasting judgements about us in mere 3-7 seconds of meeting us, was probably the shock of life for me. I started connecting the dots and in no time did I take a decision of career-shift. The engineering background has helped me be rational and analytical about dealing with this utmost important yet sensitive subject. It's more than half a decade that I have been practicing as an Image Consultant, and my core belief has been, "My success lies in the making my clients successful." The concept of Image Management and strategies to strengthening visual communication has taken my life to another level and now with immense faith I assist people, institutions, corporate to make a similar shift in them. To change our lives we need to change our Image, the way people perceive us. In this world of perception, we are not responsible for what people think about us; however we are accountable to ourselves on how do we present ourselves to the world. CHANGE YOUR IMAGE -- CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!


  • Diploma in Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering
  • Shreyas Samarpan Vidayala - From -0 to -0

Work Experience

  • Vastu Consultant
  • Vaasthu Associates
  • From -0 to -0
  • Vastu Consultant
  • Vaasthu Associates
  • From -0 to -0


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